Mastery in Eyelash Styling: Secrets to Perfecting Inner Corners in Eyelash Extensions

Mastery in Eyelash Styling: Secrets to Perfecting Inner Corners in Eyelash Extensions

8th Mar 2024

Eyelash styling is not just a matter of precision but also the skill of handling more challenging elements that can pose a challenge even for experienced stylists. One such aspect is the proper filling of the inner corners of the eyes. This subtle, yet crucial part of the lash application requires special attention because, if done incorrectly, it can negatively affect the overall end result, visually shortening the eye and giving it an undesirable appearance. Therefore, sharing expertise and experience, I would like to present several proven techniques that will make working on the corners easier and allow achieving perfection in every styling.

Why are inner corners so important?

Filling in the inner corners is key to maintaining the natural harmony of the eye and the aesthetic look of the lash application. Skipping this part not only visually shortens the eye but also makes it appear more closed and devoid of natural charm. Hence, precise and gentle filling of the inner corners is essential to achieve the optimal effect that will highlight the beauty of natural lashes and add depth to the gaze.

Techniques for filling inner corners

1. Using fingers to stretch the eyelid: Gently stretching the eyelid with a finger can significantly improve the visibility of the inner corners and facilitate the application of lashes. This simple method allows for precise placement of individual lashes in hard-to-reach places, ensuring comfort during work.

2. Optimal hand and tweezer positioning: To facilitate access to the inner corners, especially when working on the left eye, it is important to experiment with hand positioning. Adjusting the tweezers at the right angle can significantly ease lash application and ensure greater work precision.

3. Using lifting tape: Paper tape, cut into narrower strips, can serve as an auxiliary tool for gently lifting the eyelid. Applying the tape at an angle, close to the lash line, not only provides better visibility of the corners but also facilitates precise lash placement without fear of skin movement.

Practical tips

- Starting the application from the inner corners allows avoiding problems with accessibility of these areas at later stages of work.
- Choosing the right length of lashes for the inner corners is crucial – it is recommended to use shorter lashes (4-5 mm) to avoid discomfort and ensure a natural look.
- Regular practice and experimenting with various techniques will lead to proficiency and make each application smoother and with better results.

I hope the methods and tips presented will prove helpful in the daily work of every eyelash stylist. Remember, perfection in lash styling is a process that requires time, patience, and continual skill development. Your work is of great importance, as it is thanks to it that many people can enjoy beautiful, expressive eyes every day.

For those seeking the best eyelashes on the market, the Wave Lashes by Noble Lashes stand out as a top choice. These premium quality lashes are designed to enhance the natural beauty of your eyes, offering a stunning, voluminous look while maintaining a lightweight and comfortable feel throughout the day. Crafted with precision and care, Wave lashes are perfect for both everyday wear and special occasions, providing durability and an effortlessly glamorous look.