​Brow Henna vs. Regular Brow Tint: A Comparative Guide for Brow Stylists

​Brow Henna vs. Regular Brow Tint: A Comparative Guide for Brow Stylists

14th Dec 2023

As a brow stylist, understanding the nuances of different brow coloring techniques is crucial. Brow henna and regular brow tint are two popular methods for enhancing eyebrow appearance, each with its unique properties and outcomes. This article aims to provide an in-depth comparison of these two methods, helping you guide your clients towards the best choice for their needs.

Composition and Formula:

Brow henna is a natural dye made from the Lawsonia inermis plant, often mixed with other natural ingredients to create various shades. It's free from peroxide activators, making it a suitable option for clients with sensitive skin or allergies to traditional dyes. Regular brow tint, on the other hand, typically includes chemicals like peroxide and ammonia, offering a broader spectrum of shades, from light to dark tones.

Color Longevity and Effect:

One of the primary differences lies in the duration and effect of the color. Brow henna not only tints the brow hairs but also stains the skin underneath, resulting in a fuller, denser look. It usually lasts on the skin for around two weeks and can tint hairs for up to six weeks. Regular brow tint, however, colors only the hairs and not the skin, with the color lasting up to four weeks.

Application Process:

The application of brow henna requires precision and care. It involves a detailed mapping of the eyebrow shape and can take up to 30 minutes for the color to set. Regular brow tint is a quicker process, usually taking about 10 to 15 minutes. Both methods require a patch test for new clients to avoid any allergic reactions.

Customization and Versatility:

Brow henna offers a more natural and matte finish, which can be ideal for clients looking for a subtle enhancement. The range of henna shades is more limited compared to regular tints but can be mixed to match the natural brow color closely. Regular brow tints provide a wider color variety, making them suitable for clients who desire a specific shade match or a more dramatic look.

Aftercare and Maintenance:

Post-application care for brow henna is relatively straightforward, with advice to avoid oil-based skincare products around the brows to prolong the stain on the skin. Regular brow tints require minimal aftercare, making them a convenient option for clients who prefer a low-maintenance routine.

Client Preferences and Needs:

The choice between brow henna and regular tint often depends on the client's skin type, desired look, and maintenance willingness. Brow henna is ideal for clients looking for a fuller, longer-lasting result, especially those with sparse brows. Regular brow tint is suitable for clients who prefer a more natural look and are comfortable with a shorter-lasting result.


Both brow henna and regular brow tint have their unique advantages and cater to different client needs in brow styling. As a professional, understanding these differences is key to providing personalized, effective brow treatments. By discussing these options with your clients, you can help them make an informed decision that best suits their brow goals and lifestyle.

In our offer, we have:

Henna (tint): Refectocil

Brow henna (powder henna): Noble Brow Henna

How do these two treatments differ in a nutshell?

The tint works for about 65% of our clients – it typically lasts on the hairs for up to 3 weeks and gives a fairly natural effect. Brow henna is recommended for those who like more intense effects, have significant gaps in their eyebrows, or want to cover up old permanent makeup with henna.

Additionally, when applying powder henna, we perform a geometric drawing that gives the perfect shape to the eyebrows. And as we know, eyebrows are the frame of our face. They show our expressions, allowing us to convey emotions.

It’s important to note – henna colors not only the hairs but also the skin underneath. The effect can last even up to 4 weeks, however…

To ensure this happens, remember:

Do not rub your eyebrows excessively, be cautious during your daily eye makeup removal.

Remember that each of us has a different skin type, which also affects the durability of the coloration (for example, on oily skin the effect will be visible for a shorter period, as well as on very dry skin)

a very individual matter, also affecting the durability of the coloration – diseases related to hormonal disorders

Do not rub anything greasy into your eyebrows, if you rub any oils into them - the eyebrows will be less durable.

Price difference between Regular Eyebrow Tint and Brow henna for Eyebrows:

Regular Brow Tint: from £15

Brow henna: from £20